Amazing and Interesting facts about PERU - Classum


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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Amazing and Interesting facts about PERU

The Republic of Peru is the third largest country in South America situated in western areas; which is famous for its long coastal bay, Andes Mountain Range, and River Amazon. We might have read about Peru in our Social Studies books; however there are many interesting facts about Peru, which is rarely known to people. The name Peru is actually derived from the word Pelu, which means river as per its national language Quechua. Other two national languages of Peru are Spanish and Aymara. 

  • Potato is first cultivated at Peru at around 8000 years back by ancient Peruvians. Now there are over 3000 varieties of potatoes grown here.
  • Cocaine is highly produced in Peru; which employs around 2 million people making a business of US$1 billion per year.
  • Gold production makes Peru sixth position globally. 14% of Peru’s govt revenue is from this only.
  • Pigs of about 65 million consumed in Peru every year. Every year Peruvians sacrifice 1000 pigs in meant of protecting their crops from draught and flood. Peru grows more than 55 varieties of corn and 3500 varieties of orchids in its country.
  • Coffee production makes Peru eighth largest nation in the world and it is the fifth largest production of Arabica Coffee Beans.
  • Peru is the largest exporter of Asparagus in the world.
  • The longest surfing zone (1.5 mile / 2.2 km long) of the world is at Peru.
  • The highest sand dune (3860 ft / 1176 mt.) of the world is also at Peru.
  • The Deepest Canyon (3354 mt.) of the world is at Peru.
  • In Fish Catching, it is second after China.
  • During New Year, traditionally people of Peru used to gift yellow underwear to their friends and relatives; know why?
  • Andes Mountains are the second highest after Himalayas.
  • Amazon, the longest River in the world is at Peru. It is 6000 km long and the mouth at Atlantic Ocean is around 300km wide; really giant.
  • Men and women are free to select their partner for marriage and women are free to marry again in Peru. Sirvinacuy is a system of marriage at Peru; where before marriage women went and work with mother-in-law and men with his father-in-law. It is just a formality of showing interest of marriage to each other. The couple won’t marry, until psychologically they prepare for a child.
  •  Shamanism is popular in Peru; which is second after India in the world. Rural Peruvians practices spiritual and supernatural things for medication and other kind of good or bad treatments.
  • Peru Tourism earns around US$4 billion every year. It is one of the highest growing and developing industry of South America. There are many tours and travel agencies are there who undertakes govt permissions and every single penny like entrance fees, travel fees, lodging, boarding went to Peru Tourism; except travelling charges.

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