Top Five Tourist Attractions of Cape Town, South Africa - Classum


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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Top Five Tourist Attractions of Cape Town, South Africa

South Africa FlagCape Town is one of the most prominent tourist destinations in Africa. It is the second largest city of South Africa which is famous due to its two landmarks Table Mountain and Cape Point. The town basically constructed by Dutch East India Company to communicate and trade in between India, Africa and other Asian countries. Its natural settings, wonderful weather and well developed infrastructure attracts the tourist and makes a prominent tourist place in South Africa as well as of Africa. The famous tourist destinations of Cape Town are Table Mountain National Park, its beaches, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, etc. In this article I’ve explained the top five tourist attractions of Cape Town.

1. Table Mountain

The famous landmark of Cape Town is Table Mountain where the National Park constructed in the year
Table Mountain
Photo: Wikipedia
1929. Since then onwards every more than a half million visits Table Mountain and national park to see its flora and fauna. The Table Mountain is connected with aerial cable car from Table Bay and Robben Islands. Peoples here also used to hike or climb the mountain occasionally. Trekking also occasionally seeable in this mountain. Read: Why The Table Mountain Given This Name?

2. Robben Island

A small island situated in the west coast of Cape Town, South Africa. Robben Island is listed among UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites. The 5.07km² of area land is famous for its political prison; where many
Robben Island
freedom fighters and politicians were imprisoned. Some of the famous prisoners in this jail are Nobel Laureate and former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela, President and Leader of National Congress Jacob Zurma. Now the place is being used as a National tourist center; where more than twenty thousand rabbits, African penguins found.

3. Cape Town’s Beaches

The beaches of Cape Town are divided in to three regions; False bay, Atlantic Seaboard, and West Coast. The False Hoek Beach has many beautiful beaches along with many mountains of the peninsula. Atlantic
Cape Peninsula
Photo: Wikipedia
Seaboard is a Westside area with expensive houses and many beautiful beaches and mountains. The West Coast beaches are famous for surfing and kite-riding which situates in North side of Cape Town.

4. Cape Point

Situated in the Table Mountain National Park Cape Point is a peninsula with beautiful scenic points. There visitors can ride the flying Dutchman funicular, see the historical and cultural spots, watch massive white
Cape Point
sharks and whales, take pictures of more than a thousand plant species, exciting outdoor events such as mount biking etc.

5. Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

The famous botanical garden situated on the hill feet of Table Mountain of Cape Town. The 528 hectare garden’s area is covered with 36 hectare cultivated garden; which is one of the eight National Botanical
Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden
Photo: Wikipedia
Gardens of South Africa. The garden is opened through out the year for all with a little entry a fee; which is must seen place in Cape Town.

Apart from this there are many other attractions of Cape Town are; Boulders Beach Penguins, Cape Wine lands, Cape Whale Coast, Garden Route, Blaauberg, Cape Flats, Cape Helderberg, Cape Town City Bowl, Constantia Valley, Cape Town Craft Market and V&A Waterfront etc.
