Painful menstrual periods: Home Doctor & Self Therapy - Classum


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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Painful menstrual periods: Home Doctor & Self Therapy

Many women have a cramping pain in their lower abdomen just before, or at the start of, their monthly period. Some women also have headaches, backache, nausea, and diarrhea. Stress and tension can make symptoms worse. Painful periods most commonly affect younger women and often become less severe with age or after childbirth. They don’t usually have a serious underlying cause.

Seek immediate medical help if:
● You have lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding and there is a risk that you might be pregnant

What you can do yourself

You can usually relieve the symptoms of painful periods using self-help measures.
● To relieve abdominal pain and other aches and pains, take ibuprofen (see DRUG REMEDIES, below). You can also soak in a warm bath or apply heat to your abdomen using a heating pad or a hotwater bottle.
● Taking exercise, such as a brisk walk, may bring relief because it stimulates muscles to produce natural painkilling chemicals called endorphins. In the longer term, regular exercise may also help prevent menstrual cramps or reduce their severity.
● Try to avoid stress and tasks that you find physically and/or mentally tiring.
● To reduce anxiety and tension, try practicing some deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises.
● Taking magnesium supplements and/or eating oily fish containing essential fatty acids may help reduce menstrual cramps (see NATURAL REMEDIES, below).


Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug that helps to reduce cramping and bleeding. If you are prone to menstrual pain, begin taking it before you expect your period to start. If you can’t take ibuprofen, use acetaminophen.


  • Magnesium supplements may help relieve symptoms. Alternatively, eat foods that are rich in the mineral, such as nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
  • Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel contain omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are thought to affect levels of prostaglandin, a hormonelike substance that can cause menstrual cramps.
  • Omega-3 source: Try to include oily fish, such as salmon, in your diet about 2–3 times a week.

# Read:  'How to get rid of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?'

Seek medical advice

Arrange to see your doctor if:
● You have bleeding between periods
● Pain continues after your period has finished and/or you have an offensive vaginal discharge
● You wish to discuss taking oral contraceptives, which may help reduce period pain
● The measures given above are not helpingto control the pain


Stopping smoking You may be able to prevent or reduce menstrual pain by giving up smoking.
This is because smoking has been shown to increase the strength and duration of menstrual cramps.

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