Different Kinds of Alternative Medicine - Classum


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Monday, May 18, 2015

Different Kinds of Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicines are many types; which is used instead of common traditional medicines. Normally we use western research based medicines. However, since ancient ages people are healing through herbal treatments, acupuncture, yoga & meditation, massages, energy therapies etc. which are the common alternative medicines still used in many countries to recover from serious ailments. These are the different kinds of alternative medicines which explained in this article for your references. 

Basically a disease causes due to lack of any ingredient or excess of any ingredient in a living body. The major or complex diseases such as cancer,
diabetes, heart attack, blood pressure etc. are due to imbalance of minerals and hemoglobin in blood. In ancient times, people used to have herbal medicines that are taken from various natural sources to balance such diseases. Herbal medicines in India (Ayurveda) and other parts of Asian countries are very effective. However, some of them are trademarked initially after seeing excessive imitation of formulas. Homeopathy is also kinds of herbal medicines popular in many countries that cures severe diseases very slowly and root-out completely. Similarly, there are number of herbal alternative medicines seems to be used and prescribed by many doctors; but be careful of about them while taking. A little pinch of extras can cause a serious side-effect to the patient.

Yoga and meditation are too a kind of alternative medicine called as mind-body treatment; by which a patient is treated with various healing practices to cure diseases. In Asian and African countries where western medicines not reached to them; people used meditation with some special healing mantras (supernatural cites) to heal or cure the patients. Yoga is a kind of Ancient Indian exercise which now taught by many saints at free of cost that keeps a body and mind healthy. Some of the yoga practices are used to cure a particular type of diseases. 

Among body based treatment, massage is a type of alternative medicine used to practice to heal body pains, aches, and relief from mental and physical stress. Popular massage therapies are Thai massage, pancha tatwa, shiatsu, reflexology, and Swedish massages. Massage therapy become most popular in cities and metros in these days, as it is not only helpful to cure body pains and aches, but also give mental peace and tranquil. So, many health and fitness centers used to practice and apply this alternative system. Apart from this, there are many optima massage chairs and electronic attires put on the market that cures and gives a value like massaging. 

Alternative medicines or treatments are of many types; people in different regions in this world use different methodology and theories of treatments. But everything is depends upon the climate and nature of survival. Not all the medicines and diets are same; and it is not sure that a particular medicine for a specific disease can cure accurately the patients’ stays in different-different regions. This is because; medicines and treatments are based on the climate, lifestyle and their diets. Due to which, it is safe to use alternative medicines that are used in their locality or region for a better and quick recovery from any disease.

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