Acupuncture for Dogs | Values and Advantages - Classum


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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Acupuncture for Dogs | Values and Advantages

Acupuncture is an ancient and traditional treatment of China, which now extended globally. Acupuncture is one of the best ailments that most of the people used to apply during stress relief, indigestion, arthritis, joint pain, etc. Nowadays, it is also applied for weight loss. Programs with Acupuncture are nothing but uses of sharp needles on specific body parts as per the disease or symptoms. Nowadays, Acupuncture for pets like cats & dogs also became popular. Vets feel this is a good practice and implementation for an immediate healing to pets. Let us know more values and advantages of Acupuncture for dogs.

Values and Advantages of Acupuncture for Dogs

It has been seen that skin allergy, indigestion, arthritis and joint pain is very common disease among dogs. It has been found that dogs mostly come across with skin diseases in their lifetime, and acupuncture is one of the best solutions for dogs. As,
  1. There is no side effect in Acupuncture; it is completely safe and secure for dogs.
  2. It can also heal chronic skin allergies of dogs.
  3. Acupuncture is best for arthritis and joint pains in dogs.
  4. It also helpful for gastrointestinal diseases like abdominal pain, diarrhoea, internal bleeding, etc
  5. It improves oxygenation and blood flows through the tissues.
  6. It can be continued alongside any medications 
  7. Acupuncture is very useful as it treats different ailments at a time

Other than these kinds of advantages, you must know some of the disadvantages also:
It can be a regular or repeat treatment in some cases; may be thrice a week alike. Due to which you need to spend more and more time for your pet/dog leaving your office and business for long-time; in addition it can also increase the cost of treatment. Still no need to worry, it is a best method of treatment; sometime it goes lengthy but gives a better result in healing.

Acupuncture is very popular in several countries, but for dogs it is quite common. However, if you find Vet Acupuncturist in your locality, I prefer it could be a best practice for your dog’s treatment. In many countries, Acupuncture for dogs is certified and courses also provided on 'Acupuncture for Vets'. It is really worthy and helpful.

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