World TB Day 2018 - Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world - Classum


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Saturday, March 24, 2018

World TB Day 2018 - Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world

(Pic - WHO)
March 24th of every year is commemorated as ‘World Tuberculosis Day’. The theme of World TB Day 2018 is “Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world”. Its prime vision is to guide and aware people about the disease tuberculosis. It is the top infectious killer in the world as every year around 10 lac people die due to TB and 86 lac people affected with this. India is fifth in the world with the highest number of TB patients. Here every year around 2.5million get affected. 

The major factors causing TB is malnutrition, sanitation, hygiene, and also uses of tobacco and alcohols. People staying in risk-prone areas like slums, refugee camps, unhygienic rural areas most affected with TB. 

In Odisha, every year more than 45thousand people suffered from TB. Mayurbhanj is on top followed with Sundergarh, Keonjhar, and Ganjam. There are 50,204 DOT centers opened in Odisha to identify and cure tuberculosis, with the method of Cartridge Based Nucleic acid Amplification Test (CBNAT). 

Indian Medical Association opened a website NIKSHAY to monitor TB patients. 

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