When people stay alone their behavior, attitude, activity and thoughts got changes as compared to a normal human being. The reaction of loneliness according to a scientific word called as coping strategy; which is defined by Rubenstein and Shaver according to their research and contemplation. When people stay lonely they act indifferently as never seen before. Rubenstein and Shaver described coping strategy very uniquely and correctly how lonely people cope; which I’ve explained in this article.
1. Active Solitude: Most of the people became very active when they stay alone without their family and friends. Active solitude is a type of performance among most of the people when they become lonely. They used to perform many activities in this situation and make themselves healthy in mind and body. They seemed to do their household pending works, cooking, gardening, cleaning, writing, reading, watching movies, traveling, listening to music, etc. This is a good practice and best advice by everyone to become active while solitude. Being active and busy with works diverts and controls your mind from loneliness.
2. Spending Money: Money is one of the good friend of lonely people, if permits extremely. Many people seemed to spend money in shopping and traveling while they’re very alone. As per the research and study, it was observed that spending money with shopping is just a method to go out and divert the mind from loneliness. While wandering shops and malls you can meet new people and friends; but be aware of your expenses. Whatever you purchase must not cross the limit by buying needless products. In addition, you can go for a short drive with your friends, without carrying your credit cards along with you to secure from the unwanted purchases.
3. Social Contacts: Many people during their loneliness make calls to their friends to feel nearer and cover up their solitude. However while calling others you must think about them who’re may be busy with their personal or official works. While talking with them try to understand their stature; or ask them whether they’re free to talk with them or not. Social contacts are better for making a good relationship; however it shouldn’t bother others or don’t let them know as you’re taking chance of theirs. The other ways of social contacting is through online chatting, dating, making pen friends, participating in online forums etc. Through these processes you’ll also feel free by your loneliness.
4. Sad Passivity: This is one of the worst methods found among many people while they are in solitude condition. During this, people used to stay in a single room watching movies, eating, sleeping, doing sex or masturbating and taking alcohols or cigarettes etc. These kinds of activities will no longer cure the loneliness attitude; but enhance some mysterious bad habits. Researchers and doctors advice to stop this sad passivity and do some real activities in their aloneness condition. To get rid of this habit a person should do some creative activities, meet or make friends, do meditations or stroll nearby beaches etc. Better to discuss with your best friend about your loneliness and choose a permanent practice or job to avoid this kind of tendency.