Deal a story: A Brain-storming Card Game for Writers by Sue Viders - Classum


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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Deal a story: A Brain-storming Card Game for Writers by Sue Viders

‘Deal a story’ is a unique and innovative idea by the writer Sue Viders. It is a great tool for writers who can write without their imaginations, by creating different plots, scenes, relations, climax etc from this brain-storming card game. The author has designed this game in such a way, where a writer can easily get and construct different ideas and solutions to narrate a story. 

Deal a story’ is a deck of 101 cards with millions of story ideas. A lot of plots, genres with hundreds of characters come together from these cards. Isn't a big creation by Sue! I really applause her for such kind of innovative and constructive ideas.

What actual the game holds?

  • The deck of 101 cards is divided in six categories (Hero, Heroine, Villain, Genre, Plot and Flaw) with sixteen cards and five wild cards.
  • Each category carries sixteen characters/incidents/intentions etc. For example, Genre might be including suspense, horror, thriller, action etc.
  • When mixed and matched, the writer has the beginnings of a story. Great for learning how to think out-of-the-box and for writing groups. 
  • It can be used for story writing, making drama, film making, short-films, critique groups, conventions, etc. and for a group gaming or creative writing among children in schools.
What a novel idea!

Deal a story cards – The writer’s tool kit price chart:

  • 1 kit for $19.95
  • For 5 kits it will be $14.95 each x 5
  • For 10 kits it will be $11.95 each
  • For 25 kits it will be $10.00 each
  • For case of 40 kits it will be $8.00 each
Visit for more information about the product and price chart: Product Price

About Author:

Sue Viders (BFA in education and Fine Arts) is an author of more than 25 non-fiction books, numerous magazine & national newspapers. She is writing since 35 years and taught writing at the University of Denver and taking online classes. She is a regular author in periodicals like The Artist’s Magazine, American Artist, and some national art magazines.

Famous books: The Complete Writer’s Guide to Heroes and Heroines, Sixteen Master Archetypes, Ten Steps to Creating Memorable Characters.

About Publisher:

Name: Robert D. Reed Publishers (With nearly 1800 titles produced in last 40 years in the field of publishing)

Address: PO Box 1992, Bandon, OR 97411

Phone: (541) 347-9882, Fax: (541) 347-9883


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