Human Growth Hormone is medicine or health supplement for children and adult who seems deficiency in growth hormones. Due to deficiency of growth hormone a person may suffer to dwarf or shortness in height, lack of memory, sex recitals, and many other deficits due to less secretion of growth hormones from pituitary glands. The HGH or Human Growth Hormones are the supplement prescribed to such patients that help processing amino acids and growth hormones from pituitary glands.
Human Growth Hormone, HGH is made differently for children and adult in varied forms; such as pills, sprays, capsules, liquids and injections. FDA, Food and Drugs Administration approved HGHs for children; however these supplements should be used with a proper prescription of doctors and the instruction given by the manufacturer.
HGH injections are highly effective and results amazingly to children if given properly as per the direction; and the parents must encounter the growth rate for 3-4 months while continuing the injection. While continuing the injections the child feels more hunger; meanwhile the parents can see the conversion of heavy fats in building the muscle masses and enlargement of bones in the child.
Some parents thought to give these supplements to their children, even though they are not having such deficiency. Parents thought their child may perform better in sports and athlete after having some dozes of these supplements. However it was strictly restricted to normal children who don’t bear deficiency or syndrome of growth hormone. If some parents do such practices without any proper recommendation, their child may suffer to excess growth of bones; which called as Acromegaly. In addition, the child may attack to heart, kidney and liver, diabetes, high blood pressure, hardened arteries and something more badly.
Short stature in children is not completely due to shortage of growth hormones in pituitary glands; but also may be due to other serious problems; such as heart problem, thyroid problem, and / or renal failures. Without proper and / or complete diagnosis do not attempt for HGH supplements that may causes to many other disorders in child; such as breast enlargement, Carpal tunnel syndrome, swelling of fingers, toes, feet and hands, nausea with abdominal pain, itching and skin diseases, muscle and joint pain, etc.
While practicing the Human Growth Hormones, a child must do regular exercise, take nutritious food and sleep sufficiently. Due to exercise and physical stress the glands secrets growth hormones and the blood levels of human growth hormones will increase; avoid eating fat reached food such as oil, ghee and carbohydrate foods such as potato and pastas; sleep completely to get a better result.
This is all about the Human Growth Hormone, HGH for children. If your child suffers seriously with short stature consult and diagnose complete from an expert and go for the best supplement and good diet for a healthy life of your child.
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