Brenda Guzman Kindle Books on Amazon - Classum


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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Brenda Guzman Kindle Books on Amazon

Brenda Guzman a famous writer, spiritualist, thinker, adviser has written number of books on spiritual ailments through meditation, self development through various chakras, how to avoid drugs, how to know your inner substance and how to heal yourself without medication, etc. She is famous for her collection and series publishing of 'The Ego Series Book'. In this article you'll find all information about her books on Amazon Kindle.


Have you ever wondered why some people experience sickness, diseases, disorders or syndromes, while others don't?  Do you justify or cognitive dissonance it by assuming it is hereditary or worse yet, it was contagious?  Are you constantly getting prescriptions for all these ailments, but see and feel that wellness and peace is nowhere in sight? Be enlightened by my personal experience and others by learning how to beat this epidemic of toxic pharmaceuticals that just help to manage these ill health symptoms, but they don't treat the cause.  By knowing the negative emotions that are in our lives, the "FALSE GODS" or as I like to call them "the ego family," we can learn to identify them and silence them to live a happy and healthy life. 


Why do we love dogs? With thousands and thousands of movies, books and websites devoted to all things doggy, if you are reading's safe to say most of you all out there, love dogs. But if you're still not quite convinced or you just want to see what the reasons for loving dogs are, then read on. If you are in the process of trying to understand your dog or you are considering adding a dog to your family, this easy to read book is for you.  Learn Fido's personality, why he misbehaves, if he's sick, if he understands a word you are saying and if dogs meditate? Don't skip to that part, because everything you learn on the way is the best part. Kindle on Amazon


Have you ever questioned your religious beliefs? Were you rose in a religious environment, but didn't understand some of the teachings or even if it made sense?  If so, Cognitive Dissonance in religion is what you are experiencing. I've learned that asking questions is what fills that void we all have when it comes to religion.  The research that went into this book is very surprising and unexpected.  I am not trying to bash any religion, I am just bringing into light all the questions I had when it came to my religion. I based all my answers on the main book of life, the Bible itself.  All the quotes and verses will make you think about life itself. Have an open mind and read my book from the Ego series.  Some of the members of the Ego family is in this book as well.  You will meet doubt, hate, kill, rape and fear just to name a few. I promise you will be enlightened, but not offended. Kindle on Amazon


In "The Seasonal Abundance," I share and comment on a few famous scriptures from the bible that teaches that "God is love and only love."  If you really think about it, why do we need to know all the negative passages and scriptures that portrays God as a vengeful God that commands murder, death, kill, rape and more over the masses?  I believe this negative portrayal of God in these scriptures from the bible were to create fear in us.The Seasonal Abundance references some of the beautiful scriptures and passages that explain to us that God is love and only love. If God is our father, would our father really want his children to suffer?  I honestly believe The "Seasonal Abundance" is the perfect bible. We want to know God as being the road to eternal salvation of peace, not fear.  This read works well with "My Cognitive Dissonance in Religion." The fearful side of the bible. Kindle on Amazon


Are you struggling with the fact that you really don't know anything about the benefits of meditating or if you’re even doing it right? Are you thinking that "this is just another how to meditate book?" What if this book can show you everything you need to know and the different ways you can meditate that fits your style and time? This book details easy ways to quiet the mind for beginners, different meditating styles, meditation for manifesting and wellness and what the ego has to do with it. 

With great power comes great responsibility. Once you know the easy to learn secrets of meditating, there is no turning back. You will be hooked. It's time to get moving toward developing success in your inner-self and growth. This is a process that truly works. Kindle on Amazon


Newborn children don't know any members of the ego family. Toddlers don't know any members of the ego family. Members of the ego family are introduced into our life by the people in our environment, the media and even our own friends and family.  Words create your life at an early age. For example, "Self-Confidence" is the bi-polar member of the ego-family; it really depends on how it's introduced. Learn what we say to ourselves and what we hear that is causing us to be overweight. This is not our fault. Once we identify who these family members are, we can silence them and live our dream of being healthy and happy.  

In my Ego series I identify the emotions that are causing us illness, diseases, pain, disorders and syndromes in our life. The "ego is making me fat" details what emotions causes this unhealthy life of being overweight and how to conquer it.  My personal experience that I am about to share in this book will help you to get to your healthy goal and show you how to develop that will-power you will need.  Where and how to get this will-power is so simple, you will be amazed and wonder why didn't you ever think about this before.

The "ego is making me fat" book will show you why, and my "weight-loss simplified" book will show you how to get there. Kindle on Amazon


The "Fear of God" summarizes all the other 4 books and the theory behind the ego series. After researching numerous books, audio books, YouTube videos and attended conferences, I have found that there are four parts of the body that play an extreme important part in our wellness. Each book explains which part of our body is in control of the emotions that trigger all kinds of ill-health and how to ignore or even silence these members of the ego family to be able to live a healthy and happy life. Kindle on Amazon


My Weight-Loss Simplified book goes well with "The ego made me fat."  Knowing what causes unhealthy weight, eating and habits is the first step, now it's time to apply everything you've learned once you acquire that will-power you have from reading "The ego made me fat."  This is not a fad diet or a book on crazy, hard core workouts.  This is about learning what fuel your body needs to survive and what toxic foods to avoid.  You only have one body in this life. If you don't take care of it, it won't take care of you.  Diseases all related to obesity are inevitable.  Learn what emotions fuel unhealthy eating and self-destruction behaviors.  What have you go to lose? Oh yeah, your weight.

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